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Shape memory alloys (Nitinol Ni - Ti)

NiTiMet Company and IE Bondarev A.B. makes a wide assortment of half-finished products from alloys with shape memory on a basis of titanium nickelide (nitinol) which it is actively applied

medical usage medical usage medical usage medical usage medical usage

in medicine, the space industry, robotics, manufacture of thermoadjustable valves, gauges, in the oil and gas industry, in quality elements at building of support of bridges and buildings (more details about nitinol application), in a sports equipment: leads and witness marks for fishing of brands of Nitimet 1, Nitimet 2, Nitimet 3.
Physics - mechanical properties of alloys with shape memory (Nitinol Ni-Ti)
The list of produced semi-products made from nitinol, that you can buy, are produced in accordance with TU 1-809-253-80, TU 1-809-394-84, TU 18.4290-004-13152881-02, TU 18.4270-005-13152881-05, TU 184290-101-17177837-2013, TU 184290-302-17177837-2013, TU 1842109-402-17177837-2014, TU 1842601-104-17177837-2015 "Pipes, seamless, small diameters from alloys on the basis of a nikelid of the titan of the TN-1 and TN-1NK brands for use in medicine" (innovative production), ASTM F 2063-2005 and includes:

Ni-Ti Wire:sample

forged, diameter: 2,0 - 7,0 mm

drawn, diameter: 0,1 - 6,0 mm

Ni-Ti Sheets:sample

thickness: 0,3 - 5,0 mm

width: 150 - 500 mm

Ni-Ti Pipes:sample

external diameter: 1,0-150,0 mm

wall thickness: 0,1-20,0 mm

length: 300-3000 mm

Ni-Ti Rods:sample

forged, diameter: 2,0 - 20,0 mm

rolled, diameter: 7,0 - 100,0 mm

Ni-Ti Ingots:sample

diameter: 90 õ 550 mm

170 x 1000 mm

200 õ 1000 mm

Production technologies of products and their design are protected by original patents:

RF Patent # 2659020 from 26.06.2018. A method of treating obesity and weight loss using an intragastric stent instead of an intragastric balloon. Bondarev A. B.

RF Useful model Patent # 175247 from 28.11.2017. Intragastric stent for weight loss. Bondarev A. B., Lukyanova S. N.

RF Patent # 2596873 from August 15, 2016 "A method for reducing body weight and correction using a physical effect on the human mind creating his state of satiety or lack of appetite" Bondarev A.B.

RF Useful model Patent # 161735 from April 13, 2016 "Locking element valve with thermo locking element of an alloy with shape memory TiNi" Bondarev A.B., Lukianova S.N., Bondarev I.À.

Patent for useful model RU No. 159165 of January 12, 2016 "The bimetal element comprising nitinol(alloy with shape memory)" Bondarev A.B., Lukianova S.V.

Patent for useful model RU No. 153617 of June 30, 2015 "Stent intragastric" Bondarev A.B.

RF Patent #2162900 from July 20, 2000 ã. "Method of producing rods and method of producing wire of Ni-Ti system alloys with shape memory effect and method of producing these alloys" Bondarev A.B. and others