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Intra-gastric stent

Intragastric stent is designed for the correction of excessive body weight. It has predetermined shape and size that corresponds to the size of the stomach. Stent is easily placed into the stomach without the use of general anesthesia, since it has the form of a straight elastic rod (probe) at the moment of being inserted into the stomach. Due to the unique property of titanium nickelide (nitinol) – to remember pre-defined shape when reaching a certain temperature, the stent obtains the form of cylinder shaped spiral of pre-defined size when warmed up to the patient’s body temperature after insertion. While inside the stomach it performs all the functions of the intragastric balloon. It also allows to perform diagnostic endoscopic procedures, which would be challenging to carry out in case of presence of intragastric balloon inside. Intragastric stent has at least 14 advantages over the intra-gastric balloon.

Intra-gastric stent work mechanics is shown in this videos:
Shape memory effect (,
Installation algorythm (,
How does stent work (

Intra-gastric stent - a minimum of 14 advantages over the intra-gastric balloon.

stent ballon

Comparative table of consumer and technological properties of intragastric stent and intragastric balloon.

NN Properties and features Intragastric stent Intra-gastric balloon
1 General anesthesia during installation no required
2 A period of adaptation after installation 2 -3 hours in ambulatory Up to 7 days in hospital
3 General anesthesia during deinstallation no required
4 Local anesthesia of the oral cavity during installation yes not applicable
5 Local anesthesia of the oral cavity during deinstallation yes not applicable
6 Installation conditions ambulatory in hospital
7 Deinstallation conditions ambulatory in hospital
8 The need for hospitalization when installing or deinstalling no yes
9 Chance of gastric obstruction during food consumption no yes
10 The possibility of destruction while in the patient's body no yes
11 Possible need abdominal surgery in the destruction in the patient's body no yes
12 Risk the patient's life no yes
13 The cost of installing and removing,comparative in arbitrary units x1 x6
14 The possibility of holding a gastroscopy and other studies in the stomach when the device yes No, or very difficult

The algorithm works with stents, intra-gastric.

Intragastric stent is installed by inserting endoscope covered with PVC tube-conductor into the gastric cavity of a patient. The length of the tube-conductor is equal to the length from mouth to the stomach. The tube-conductor is fixed in same position as inserted while the endoscope is removed. Then intragastric stent is inserted in the tube-conductor down to the cavity of the stomach. Having form of straight rod during installation, the stent expands into a spiral and presses the walls of the stomach when reaches the temperature of patient’s body. The presence of the spiral in the stomach gives to the patient sense of satiation. The procedure of intragastric stent insertion is finished by follow-up gastroscopy and removal of the tube-conductor.

While in the stomach of the patient, the stent stimulates the nerve endings of the upper part of the stomach connected with brain’s satiation center. That is why patient doesn’t feel hungry. The amount of consumed food reduces drastically, and as the result, the patient steadily loses weight throughout the time period when the stent is present inside the stomach.

The intragastric stent may remain in patient’s body up to 12 months. It is removed with the help of esophageal stent extractor or endoscopic loops. Implantation and extraction of intragastric stent is performed under local anesthesia, commonly used for endoscopic procedures and carried out by the irrigation of the oral part of the pharynx.

Intragastric stent is protected by patents:

RF Patent # 2596873 from August 15, 2016 "A method for reducing body weight and correction using a physical effect on the human mind creating his state of satiety or lack of appetite" Bondarev A.B.

Patent for useful model RU No. 153617 of June 30, 2015 "Stent intragastric" Bondarev A.B.